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Sensei's Corner

Episode 011 Instructors Teaching Tips

Instructors Teaching Tips

Episode 010 Shotokan Organizations

Shotokan Organizations

Episode 009 The Pillar of Respect in the Dojo: The Essential Role of a Sensei

The Pillar of Respect in the Dojo: The Essential Role of a Sensei

Episode 008 Starting your Dojo

10 Tips For Starting Your Own Martial Arts School

Episode 007 Marketing Your Karate Dojo

Marketing Your Karate Dojo

Episode 006 Why karate school instructors should have first aid training (red cross)

Why karate school instructors should have first aid training (red cross)

Episode 005 The Belligerent Student

The Belligerent Student

Episode 004 Karate Sport Versus the Art

Karate Sport Versus the Art

Episode 003 Leadership by Example

Leadership by Example

Episode 002 Helicopter Parents

Dealing With Helicopter Parents

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